Thursday, 19 February 2015

PFFD - Check Up

Hey guys, i have some good news!!

I had a hospital appointment yesterday at Sheffield Children's Hospital just for a check up and for once I got some good news! It's been six weeks since I had last been for a check up and there has been some good progress. I went for an x-ray and it was very clear that new bone had started to form, as what was a gap there is now a white blur there :) I went to see Mr Fernadas and Laura they where very pleased with me and said my x-ray looked and my knee was bending better. They then came out with "I think at the next appointment in 6 week we will make a date to get the frame of". Me and my mum just both looked at each other in shock with our jaws at the floor. We never expected them to say that as we thought it would be ages until my frame came off, I am so pleased with this news! To make my frame weaker they took a couple of parts of to make my frame off this means that I will able to put more weight on it, so the bone heels even more!

Im going to be doing a lot of walking in the next six week to make sure i defiantly get this frame off!
I will keep you all updated, have a great weekend :) xo

X-ray of my femur bone xo

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