So first of all cleaning your pins suck a lot and I hate doing them but from personal experience it pays of to as it stops pin site infections and keep the wounds nice and tight! I did not listen to my doctors last time and I literally would have to be forced to clean them but im promised myself I would try harder this time and JUST DO IT!
I clean them once a day either in the morning or night after I have a shower. Getting them wet in the shower really helps as it softens and scabs and is less likely to sting. After that I then use a hairdryer to dry my frame on a cool setting so it doesn't get to hot! By this time my mum has set up my cleanw tray whcih includes;
¤ cotton buds
¤ bandages 10x10 cm squares
¤ scissors
¤ paper tape
¤ sterile water
¤ antibacterial hand jel
Everything must be clean its a must!!
Here are a couple of photos step by step how I dress some of mt pins :) I know its crap but just be strong and remember your final goal ♥

Sorry I missed out a step but after hand jelling my hands I take one cotton bud and dip it in sterile water I then wipe it round away from half of my pin and then dry with another bud I repeat his step until everything is clean on all my pins :)

After this i use the square bandages and may them into long thin bandages and then wrap them around the pin above the the squares to keep them secure and tight.

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