Friday 10 October 2014

Here we go.....

So guys im actually shitting myself about doing my first ever blog post but here we go!

So use know my name Charlotte and i was born with PFFD and unless you have quickly searched it you have probably know clue what i am talking about. The term PFFD is also known as Proximal Femoral Focial Deficiency and i was born with one leg shorter than the other when i was born it was about 3cm shorter than my other leg but at its highest point it was approximately at 15cm. I have had my fair share of hospital appointment and operations to help my leg. And i am currently having my final treatment right NOW! The list of operations is endless but i have had my leg lengthened three times including this one, this process happens by breaking my leg so there is gap, it is then held together by a big metal frame where they turn everyday to make the gap in my break bigger which then lets new bone grow to give me a longer leg. I have been going to hospital since i was a baby and i still find it utterly amazing that this can be done! I am very lucky as when i was born my local hospital wanted to amputate my leg! By having this amazing my surgery i have managed to get about 10-12cm in length and i only have about four more to get (yaaaaaaaay).

I have struggled with some of my operations and have experienced depression and anxiety which i think was harder than the actual treatment! My last frame was probably the darkest point in my life but heyy im here today i got through it and im just taking everyday as it comes with this lengthening at the moment :)

When i get more confident with this blogging i will go into more depth about everything but at the moment here is just a little bit :)

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